Saturday, January 15, 2011

Macaroni bersama sos tomato

Sebenarnya gambar ni dah lama...tengokla pada tarikh tu...tapi ada dalam simpanan..nak letak dalam blog ni jugak...supaya boleh refer balik di masa depan...resepinya lupa dah sumber dari mana...tak berapa rajin nak translate...huhu

Ingredients :
1 kg chicken fillet ~ cubed
4 medium ripe tomatoes ~ diced and blended 
2 garlic ~ blended
1/2 tablespoon white pepper 
1 tablespoon margarine
6 tablespoons tomato puree 
800 ml water
1 medium carrot ~ diced 
50 g peas
juice from 1 lemon
salt to taste
sugar ~ if prefered 
500 g macaroni ~ boil with water and a tablespoon of oil to avoid it from sticking together

Method :

1. Mix chicken cubes with white pepper, blended tomato and garlic. 
2. Heat margarine and put in the mixed chicken. Stir.
3. Add in tomato puree, water, carrots and peas. 
4. Let it boil then add the lemon juice, salt and sugar.
5. Leave to simmer till the meat is tender and the carrots soften. 
6. To serve : Place macaroni in a serving bowl and pour the soup on top.

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